
Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 2 - Finding some footing

 I presented my first approach to a new feature today. I had worked myself up into a panic all day. If I couldn't sink this, I thought, then what the hell have I done? (Account Cancelation Module flow - for web) "This is great." Thomas said. "You did the research, you captured everything you needed to capture. Build out the EPIC, and we can look to post launch." And that was it. Honestly, it's all I need to hear. Although it took me almost an hour afterwards to calm down enough to head into the next thing. Thursday was the first really late night, but mostly due to my psyching myself out. But I wrote up over 15 JIRA tickets. Just got notified that one was added to the a Sprint --- another check for doing something right. Still need to review a lot of the tickets overall, but they're done and ahead of schedule. Omg, look at me. I'm doing it.  Balancing out the late evening with what will likely be an early day. Fridays in general kind of wrap up early

Week 1 - De-Escalating Panic Attacks

I asked to be thrown into the deep end and they did not disappoint.  Thomas has made his expectations clear, and I appreciate that. While a list of goals and markers is daunting, I can also measure against it -- tracking progression to dates and deliverables. My mind works best that way. Too many instances have my managers' expectations have been soft at best, and indecipherable at worst. By Thursday, I woke up and didn't want to panic. I felt like this was a good sign. My mindset had shifted to "What the hell have I done to myself?" into "How are we going to get all of this done?" Another good sign in my opinion. I've never walked into a role and felt so immediately supported. There are a lot of factors to this -- professional experience, personal relationships, the show drag of time and eventual maturity that comes with working with others for so long. But it's a wonderful feeling. I don't have people looking over my shoulder and pressuring me